
Autogenerated API

argus_api.lib.cases.v2.service.bind_category(serviceID: str, category: str = None, caseTypes: str = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict#

Bind category to service (PUBLIC)

  • serviceID (str) – ID or shortname of service to bind category to

  • category (str) – Shortname or ID of category to bind

  • caseTypes (list) – Case types to bind category for

  • json – return the response’s body as a dict parsed from json. True by default. If set to false, the raw requests.Response object will be returned.

  • verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.

  • apiKey – Argus API key.

  • authentication – authentication override

  • server_url – API base URL override

  • body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.

  • api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.


dictionary translated from JSON

argus_api.lib.cases.v2.service.create_service(domain: str = None, shortName: str = None, name: str = None, localizedNames: dict = None, localizedDescriptions: dict = None, description: str = None, iconURL: str = None, notificationEmail: str = None, notifyOnCreate: bool = None, notifyOnUpdate: bool = None, notifyOnClose: bool = None, notifyFullFormat: bool = None, handledBySoc: bool = None, monitoredBySocOutsideOfficeHours: bool = None, eventEnabled: bool = None, assignDefaultTech: bool = None, assignDefaultUser: bool = None, workflows: dict = None, caseTypes: str = None, listFunction: str = None, readFunction: str = None, writeFunction: str = None, createFunction: str = None, techFunction: str = None, adminFunction: str = None, defineFunction: str = None, fieldPolicy: str = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict#

Define a new service (INTERNAL)

  • domain (str) – Name or ID of domain to bind service to.

  • shortName (str) – Shortname of service. This must be unique within a domain. => [a-zA-Z0-9_:\-.]*

  • name (str) – Descriptive name of service.

  • localizedNames (dict) – Localized names. If not set, locales will fallback to main name.

  • localizedDescriptions (dict) – Localized descriptions. If not set, locales will fallback to main description.

  • description (str) – Longer description of service.

  • iconURL (str) – An image data-URL on the form  => Sanitize by regex  => Sanitize by regex data:image/.+

  • notificationEmail (str) – If set, change the service notification email address. => format:email

  • caseTypesToAdd (list) – If set, enable the requested case type for this service.

  • caseTypesToRemove (list) – If set, disable the requested case type for this service. This will be rejected if any non-deleted cases exist which are bound to this service and casetype.

  • caseTypesToSet (list) – If set, override existing case types for this service. If this causes the service to remove a case type which has non-deleted cases bound to it, this will be rejected.

  • listFunction (str) – If set, change the LIST function for this service, identified by function ID or shortname.

  • readFunction (str) – If set, change the READ function for this service, identified by function ID or shortname.

  • writeFunction (str) – If set, change the WRITE function for this service, identified by function ID or shortname.

  • createFunction (str) – If set, change the CREATE function for this service, identified by function ID or shortname.

  • techFunction (str) – If set, change the TECH function for this service, identified by function ID or shortname.

  • adminFunction (str) – If set, change the ADMIN function for this service, identified by function ID or shortname.

  • defineFunction (str) – If set, change the DEFINE function for this service, identified by function ID or shortname.

  • fieldPolicy (str) – If set, change the field policy for this service. Changing the field policy will affect new cases and future updates to existing cases, but will not change fields set on existing cases.

  • notifyOnCreate (bool) – If set, change settings for notifying the service notification email address on created cases.

  • notifyOnUpdate (bool) – If set, change settings for notifying the service notification email address on updated cases.

  • notifyOnClose (bool) – If set, change settings for notifying the service notification email address on closed cases.

  • notifyFullFormat (bool) – If set, change the format settings for notifying to the service notification email.

  • handledBySoc (bool) – If set, set whether this service is handled by SOC 24/7.

  • monitoredBySocOutsideOfficeHours (bool) – If set, set whether this service is monitored by SOC outside office hours.

  • eventEnabled (bool) – If set, set whether service is integrated with events.

  • assignDefaultTech (bool) – If set, change whether cases created for this service will be automatically assign tech to the executing user (if tech).

  • assignDefaultUser (bool) – If set, change whether cases created for this service will be automatically assign user to the executing user (if not tech).

  • workflows (dict) – If set, modify workflows enabled for this service.

  • deprecated (bool) – If set, enable/disable the deprecated flag for this service. Default is no change.

  • json – return the response’s body as a dict parsed from json. True by default. If set to false, the raw requests.Response object will be returned.

  • verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.

  • apiKey – Argus API key.

  • authentication – authentication override

  • server_url – API base URL override

  • body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.

  • api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.


dictionary translated from JSON