Autogenerated API
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.initiate_1(description: str = None, validSources: str = None, source: dict = None, expirationDays: int = None, sessionConstraints: dict = None, password: str = None, authorization: str = None, disableSourceRestriction: bool = None, disableExpiration: bool = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
is an alias forinitiate_api_key
. Exists only for backward compatibility - do not use - useinitiate_api_key
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.initiate_api_key(description: str = None, validSources: str = None, source: dict = None, expirationDays: int = None, sessionConstraints: dict = None, password: str = None, authorization: str = None, disableSourceRestriction: bool = None, disableExpiration: bool = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
Initiate a new apikey for current user (PUBLIC)
- Parameters
description (str) – [sw\{\}\$\-\(\).\[\]”'_/\,\*\+\#:@!?;=]*
validSources (str) – Client IP/CIDR networks which the api key will be valid for. Deprecated! Instead use source where you set provider to´staticIP´ and specify networks by setting staticOptions
source (dict) –
expirationDays (int) – Requested expiration days, 0 means unlimited. Default is 3 months. If user does not have permissions to specify expiration period, an error will be returned.
sessionConstraints (dict) –
password (str) – User password to verify this request
authorization (str) – User authorization token obtained from the user authorization endpoint. The token must be issued for operation ‘apikey.create’
disableSourceRestriction (bool) – Request API-key without source restriction. If key without source restriction is not permitted, a 412 error will be returned. Deprecated! Instead set provider in source to ´disabled´ (default false)
disableExpiration (bool) – Request API-key with unlimited expiration. If unlimited expiration is not permitted, a 412 error will be returned. (default false)
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Raises
AuthenticationFailedException – on 401
AccessDeniedException – on 403
NotFoundException – on 404
ValidationErrorException – on 412
ArgusException – on other status codes
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.list_1(json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
is an alias forlist_api_keys
. Exists only for backward compatibility - do not use - uselist_api_keys
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.list_api_keys(json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
List current user apikeys (PUBLIC)
- Parameters
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Raises
AuthenticationFailedException – on 401
AccessDeniedException – on 403
NotFoundException – on 404
ValidationErrorException – on 412
ArgusException – on other status codes
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.renew_2(prefix: str, expirationDays: int = None, password: str = None, authorization: str = None, disableExpiration: bool = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
is an alias forrenew_api_key_by_prefix
. Exists only for backward compatibility - do not use - userenew_api_key_by_prefix
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.renew_3(keyID: int, expirationDays: int = None, password: str = None, authorization: str = None, disableExpiration: bool = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
is an alias forrenew_api_key_by_id
. Exists only for backward compatibility - do not use - userenew_api_key_by_id
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.renew_api_key_by_id(keyID: int, expirationDays: int = None, password: str = None, authorization: str = None, disableExpiration: bool = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
Renew existing API-key (PUBLIC)
- Parameters
keyID (int) – Key ID
expirationDays (int) – Requested expiration days, 0 means unlimited. Default is 3 months. If user does not have permissions to specify expiration period, an error will be returned.
password (str) – User password to verify this request
authorization (str) – User authorization token obtained from the user authorization endpoint. The token must be issued for operation ‘apikey.renew’
disableExpiration (bool) – Request API-key with unlimited expiration. If unlimited expiration is not permitted, a 412 error will be returned. (default false)
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.renew_api_key_by_prefix(prefix: str, expirationDays: int = None, password: str = None, authorization: str = None, disableExpiration: bool = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
Renew an apikey for current user (PUBLIC)
- Parameters
prefix (str) – Key prefix on the form 1ab/2c
expirationDays (int) – Requested expiration days, 0 means unlimited. Default is 3 months. If user does not have permissions to specify expiration period, an error will be returned.
password (str) – User password to verify this request
authorization (str) – User authorization token obtained from the user authorization endpoint. The token must be issued for operation ‘apikey.renew’
disableExpiration (bool) – Request API-key with unlimited expiration. If unlimited expiration is not permitted, a 412 error will be returned. (default false)
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Raises
AuthenticationFailedException – on 401
AccessDeniedException – on 403
NotFoundException – on 404
ValidationErrorException – on 412
ArgusException – on other status codes
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.revoke_2(keyID: int, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
is an alias forrevoke_api_key_by_id
. Exists only for backward compatibility - do not use - userevoke_api_key_by_id
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.revoke_3(prefix: str, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
is an alias forrevoke_api_key_by_prefix
. Exists only for backward compatibility - do not use - userevoke_api_key_by_prefix
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.revoke_api_key_by_id(keyID: int, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
null (PUBLIC)
- Parameters
keyID (int) – Key ID
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON
- argus_api.lib.authentication.v1.apikey.revoke_api_key_by_prefix(prefix: str, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
Revoke an apikey from current user (PUBLIC)
- Parameters
prefix (str) – Key prefix on the form 1ab/2c
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Raises
AuthenticationFailedException – on 401
AccessDeniedException – on 403
NotFoundException – on 404
ValidationErrorException – on 412
ArgusException – on other status codes
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON