Autogenerated API
- argus_api.lib.sampledb.v2.submission.submission_advanced_search(id: str = None, sampleSha256: str = None, userAgent: dict = None, tlp: str = None, timeFieldStrategy: str = None, timeMatchStrategy: str = None, subCriteria: dict = None, startTimestamp: str = None, endTimestamp: str = None, mimeType: str = None, metaData: dict = None, keywords: str = None, keywordMatchStrategy: str = None, keywordFieldStrategy: str = None, includeFlags: str = None, excludeFlags: str = None, fileName: str = None, customer: str = None, sortBy: str = None, indexStartTimestamp: str = None, indexEndTimestamp: str = None, limit: int = 25, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
Advanced search for submissions (DEV)
- Parameters
id (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the IDs defined
sampleSha256 (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the sample sha256s defined
userAgent (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the user agents defined
tlp (list) – Restrict the search to submissions where it must contain any of the defined TLPs
timeFieldStrategy (list) – Restrict the search by timestamp (indicated by startTimestamp and endTimestamp) to these fields. Default is ‘all’
timeMatchStrategy (str) – Whether all or any (default) of the fields must match the time period (indicated by startTimestamp and endTimestamp) (default any)
subCriteria (list) – Search sub criteria
startTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data after this time (epoch millis). Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. See
endTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data before this time (epoch millis). Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. See
mimeType (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the mime types defined
metaData (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the meta data properties defined
keywords (list) – A set of keywords to search for
keywordMatchStrategy (str) – Whether all or any (default) of the fields must match one or more of the keywords (default all)
keywordFieldStrategy (list) – Restrict to search only in the selected keyword fields (default all)
includeFlags (list) – Restrict the search to submissions containing any of the specified flags
excludeFlags (list) – Restrict the search to submissions not containing any of the specified flags
fileName (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the file names defined
customer (list) – Restrict the search to submissions owned by certain customers identified by id or shortname
sortBy (list) – Specify sort ordering for returned submissions (default -submittedTimestamp)
indexStartTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data after this time (epoch millis)Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. See (default now - 1 month)
indexEndTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data before this time (epoch millis)Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. See (default now)
limit (int) – Limit the number of search results (default 25)
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Raises
AuthenticationFailedException – on 401
AccessDeniedException – on 403
ValidationErrorException – on 412
ArgusException – on other status codes
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON
- argus_api.lib.sampledb.v2.submission.submission_simple_search(sortBy: str = None, keywords: str = None, keywordFieldStrategy: str = None, limit: int = 25, keywordMatchStrategy: str = 'any', indexStartTimestamp: str = 'now - 1 month', indexEndTimestamp: str = 'now', json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
Simple search for submissions (DEV)
- Parameters
sortBy (list) – Fields to sort the results by. Prefix with ‘-’ to sort descending
keywords (list) – A set of keywords to search for
keywordFieldStrategy (list) – Which fields to search on
limit (int) – Maximum number of returned results
keywordMatchStrategy (str) – Whether the keywords must match all or any of the keyword fields
indexStartTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data after this time. Timestamps can be milliseconds since epoch, ISO8601 timestamp, or a string with a relative timestamp. See the general integration guide for more details
indexEndTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data before this time. Timestamps can be milliseconds since epoch, ISO8601 timestamp, or a string with a relative timestamp. See the general integration guide for more details
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Raises
AuthenticationFailedException – on 401
AccessDeniedException – on 403
ValidationErrorException – on 412
ArgusException – on other status codes
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON
- argus_api.lib.sampledb.v2.submission.submission_statistics(id: str = None, sampleSha256: str = None, userAgent: dict = None, tlp: str = None, timeFieldStrategy: str = None, timeMatchStrategy: str = None, subCriteria: dict = None, startTimestamp: str = None, endTimestamp: str = None, mimeType: str = None, metaData: dict = None, keywords: str = None, keywordMatchStrategy: str = None, keywordFieldStrategy: str = None, includeFlags: str = None, excludeFlags: str = None, fileName: str = None, customer: str = None, indexStartTimestamp: str = None, indexEndTimestamp: str = None, groupBy: dict = None, statisticsMetrics: dict = None, statistics: dict = None, rangeMetrics: dict = None, timeline: dict = None, json: bool = True, verify: Optional[bool] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, apiKey: Optional[str] = None, authentication: Optional[dict] = None, server_url: Optional[str] = None, body: Optional[dict] = None, api_session: Optional[ArgusAPISession] = None) dict #
Aggregation for Submission statistics (DEV)
- Parameters
id (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the IDs defined
sampleSha256 (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the sample sha256s defined
userAgent (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the user agents defined
tlp (list) – Restrict the search to submissions where it must contain any of the defined TLPs
timeFieldStrategy (list) – Restrict the search by timestamp (indicated by startTimestamp and endTimestamp) to these fields. Default is ‘all’
timeMatchStrategy (str) – Whether all or any (default) of the fields must match the time period (indicated by startTimestamp and endTimestamp) (default any)
subCriteria (list) – Search sub criteria
startTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data after this time (epoch millis). Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. See
endTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data before this time (epoch millis). Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. See
mimeType (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the mime types defined
metaData (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the meta data properties defined
keywords (list) – A set of keywords to search for
keywordMatchStrategy (str) – Whether all or any (default) of the fields must match one or more of the keywords (default all)
keywordFieldStrategy (list) – Restrict to search only in the selected keyword fields (default all)
includeFlags (list) – Restrict the search to submissions containing any of the specified flags
excludeFlags (list) – Restrict the search to submissions not containing any of the specified flags
fileName (list) – Restrict the search to submissions with any of the file names defined
customer (list) – Restrict the search to submissions owned by certain customers identified by id or shortname
indexStartTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data after this time (epoch millis)Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. (default now - 1 month)
indexEndTimestamp (str) – Restrict search to data before this time (epoch millis)Allows unix timestamp (milliseconds), ISO timestamp, or relative time specifies. (default now)
groupBy (list) – The fields by which to group statistics
statisticsMetrics (list) – The numerical fields for which to generate metrics. Deprecated, use statistics instead
statistics (list) – The numerical fields for which to generate metrics
rangeMetrics (list) – The timestamp fields for which to generate statistics. Deprecated, use timeline instead
timeline (list) – The timestamp fields for which to generate statistics
json – return the response’s body as a
parsed from json.True
by default. If set to false, the rawrequests.Response
object will be returned.verify – path to a certificate bundle or boolean indicating whether SSL verification should be performed.
apiKey – Argus API key.
authentication – authentication override
server_url – API base URL override
body – body of the request. other parameters will override keys defined in the body.
api_session – session to use for this request. If not set, the global session will be used.
- Raises
AuthenticationFailedException – on 401
AccessDeniedException – on 403
ValidationErrorException – on 412
ArgusException – on other status codes
- Returns
dictionary translated from JSON